Featured annually in eight North American cities, the Abilities Expos are free, three-day, all-access passports to the latest products, cutting-edge tech, informative workshops and adaptive activities." (abilities.com, 2023) This past weekend, Soft Landings Home showcased our brand over 3-days with over 1,000+ attendees each day!
This show caught our attention a few months ago for a few reasons. One, our small 35-count roll is travel friendly which is a benefit for anyone. Our products in general are extremely beneficial for everyone, but to the customer who wants to enter into the eco friendly world, our smaller roll is a perfect way to get started. It has been stated that it takes 21 days to form or break a habit. We agree with this idea in the form of switching over to Soft Landings Home vs. everyday paper towels.
Test yourself to see if you and your family can put yourself up to the challenge. Put all of your paper towel products away and start going green. See how surprised you will be by using our product! One individual sheet of Soft Landings Home can be used up to 15 times (or more- personal preference)! We have also found that our rolls can also last upwards of 6 months if used (and reused) properly! The uses for our cloth towel on a roll are endless! Try yours out today and start your 21 day challenge strong!
Additional features you might not know about Soft Landings Home towels:
- Perfect on all skin types (infants, adults, elderly, pets, you name it!)
- Collects dust and catches loose debris
- Great for napkin & placemat for messy eaters
- Cut our roll in half & create your own anti-bacterial wipes or a mini roll
Check out some fun clips from this past weekends show!!